We passionately pursue business growth and optimization. Working with management teams to help visualize and execute what is possible.

One can learn only so much from the short diligence process before acquiring a company. When we acquire a company, our #1 rule is to not break anything. This means that we are not going to rush in and change a bunch of things on day 1, or day 30, for that matter.

We typically look to spend the first 3 to 6 months post-acquisition largely studying operations and learning the business. Only once we feel that we truly understand the company and confirm or recalibrate our pre-deal thinking and strategic vision, will we then implement our AOS™ value creation strategy.

Augment: We work with management to determine business areas that need augmentation. We then help source and secure the necessary resources to evaluate, design, test, and implement business-strengthening solutions.
Optimize: Once solutions are implemented, we focus on optimizing the business. This includes examining both old and new systems, operating procedures, and personnel to ensure that all areas of the organization are operating at their highest and best use in line with our strategic vision. 
Standardize: Standardization is about driving growth and scale. We look to take our optimized systems, processes, strategies, etc., and codify them into standard operating procedures; complete with training mechanisms, feedback loops, OKRs, and accountability to ensure truly repeatable systems that drive accelerated customer acquisition, satisfaction, and retention.